Yeah. It’s true. Nofap Destroys Social Anxiety.
I bet you didn’t know that. If you are looking forward to going home and touch yourself for hours then you know that you are already waist deep in Porn. You will be looking for that perfect thumbnail all night so that you can play with your boys and I don’t mean your friends.
When people say that, “Oh! Nofap cured my Social Anxiety.” They are not wrong.
Once I tell you how Porn messes with your head, you will run away from it.
Does Nofap Destroys Social Anxiety? Is it the truth or a myth? Stay put, I’ll tell you everything.
The Dopamine Buster
In most of my articles, I talk about Dopamine. I hope you know about it but in case if you don’t then let me give you a quick lesson.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in your brain which gives you a natural high when you achieve something. Dopamine makes you crave sex or makes you go to the gym or makes you crave a doughnut. In simple words, it provides us with the motivation to get things done.
However, when you PMO (P=Porn, M=Masturbation & O=Orgasm) then your Dopamine levels are shot to levels similar to heroin. But unlike heroin you can do PMO the whole day with just a couple of clicks without the fear of overdose.
When your brain is exposed to the super high levels of dopamine, your brain tries to maintain Homeostasis by reducing the total number of Dopamine receptors. In other words, your brain is trying to recuperate and maintain the normal level of dopamine. Thus, lowering our Dopamine levels.
Studies have shown that low levels of Dopamine have shown to cause:
- Attention deficits
- Low energy levels
- Confusion
- Brain Fog
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Lack of Motivation & most importantly
- Social Anxiety
The Prolactin Creator
So, you heard all about Dopamine. Now, let’s talk about Prolactin.
Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland of your brain. It is released after the levels of Dopamine has crashed below normal. The relationship between Dopamine and Prolactin is an inverse one. High levels of Prolactin makes you:
- Slow
- Demotivated
- Content with Life.
But most importantly, high levels of Prolactin is one of the main cause of Social Anxiety.
The Testosterone Dropper
Low levels of Dopamine causes low testosterone. And low levels of testosterone are shown to cause:
- Low Libido
- Low Sex Drive
- Hair Loss
- Harder to Gain Muscle
- Low Energy, and Low testosterone causes
- Social Anxiety
People who started Nofap always have a sudden boost of energy because when you stop fapping your Testosterone levels go up and you have the energy to do more productive things. This is one more reason that people say “Nofap Cured Social Anxiety in weeks”
So, How Nofap Destroys Social Anxiety?
When our Dopamine levels crash after an all-time high. We have little to no motivation to talk to people.
When you introduce Nofap into your lives, our brain craves the natural forms of Dopamine release. You will crave real human interactions. Not the one you see in Porn. The desire to socialize will force you to talk to people to satisfy the Dopamine cravings.
In this part, our brains are hardwired to socialize and the chemical imbalance in your brain is starting to get balanced or normal.
Final Thoughts
Social Anxiety and Nofap go hand in hand. After all the explanation I think now you have a clear picture of Why PMO will mess with your brain. It is now scientifically proven that Nofap Destroys Social Anxiety. Plus, when you start interacting with people you start to enjoy and feel that there is nothing to be worried about. Doing it, again and again, will make you better at it.
There are other Benefits of Nofap that will make you run away from porn. That’s how I got my motivation to stop PMO and start Nofap.
Hope this article helped you in some way and I really hope that you stop watching Porn and be better at life.
Stay Strong Brothers!!!

Very nice i like it
Thanks Nirav,
It’s true that Nofap destroys Social Anxiety. We hope it helps you.
Brother, i have been facing social anxiety for a very long time like it’s been 5-6 years and masturbation is a problem since my childhood. I started nofap and it’s been 40 days but unlikely didn’t feel much difference. I want to know how more time it will require to see any changes?
My problems are like:
1. Difficulty to maintain eye contact
2. Don’t dare to say ‘NO’ to anybody because it feels like he/she will feel bad.
3. Commited mistakes feel like commited a crime etc.
Please help me with this…