Nofap is taking the internet by storm. If you don’t know what is Nofap then let me explain.
Nofap is abstaining from watching Porn and Masturbating or in other words Fapping. Hence, not masturbating is Nofap. People on the Nofap challenge talk about getting superpowers. They talk about getting an insane amount of confidence. Is it true that Nofap increase confidence?
Let’s find out.
But first, let’s talk about how our brain reacts to Porn.
Our Brain on Porn
First of all, our brains are not made for modern porn.
Masturbating to Porn = Super high levels of Dopamine from arousal and ejaculation.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible to make us feel good or ecstatic.
Hard-wiring Your Brain
Sure masturbating to porn feels amazing. But it is only for a few moments. After that comes to regret and feeling of self-loathing. My advice, stop doing it completely.
Believe it or not but Nofap boosts confidence. If you stop fapping on porn then your brain will be hardwired and the dopamine levels will return to normal. Now, it will be super tough for the people who have been doing it for a long time but I can guarantee it that it will be worth it. Your dopamine receptors will start getting repaired and your dopamine levels will return to normal. Improving your confidence drastically.
Nofap builds confidence. Period.
Most of the people who took on the Nofap Challenge, talk about getting this killer instinct in them which was absent before. This can also be because of Nofap Increases Testosterone levels. More testosterone means more energy to do things.
There’s one more reason behind all the people saying that Nofap improves confidence is that because testosterone is indirectly related to boost your confidence. People with high testosterone have much higher confidence.
People talk about Nofap
There are a lot of people on forums who are talking about there experience on the Nofap challenge and how it increased their confidence and hence NOFAP increase confidence.
Someone on Reddit says, “Funny, by day 4 or so without fail I always feel 300% more confident, like I just don’t care. People are different tho”.
Another person says, ” In general, I feel more confident than I’ve ever felt before, and it feels amazing. Especially having lived for so long feeling anxious, extremely self-conscious, and always second-guessing myself.”
Along with knowing how NOFAP increase confidence, we think below points may add more value.
Wrapping Up
So, it is proven that Nofap Increase confidence. There are a lot of things that you will notice once you start Nofap. People claim to get superpowers are not wrong. The clearer your head the more you will think straight, you will remember more clearly and the more clearly you will think. This will certainly give a boost to your confidence.
The other thing is eye contact. When you make eye contact with the person you are talking to, you seem more confident about them as you seem more dominating. Even with girls, when you make eye contact with them you come out as more macho and confident to them.
Your social interactions will become more engaging and what people say can be better understood by you and you will come up with the most amazing answers to their questions. People will start relying on you because of this and you will get an insane amount of confidence because of this.
Nofap is also known as the destroyer of Social anxiety. If social anxiety is gone then it means that your self-confidence will also rise.
Hence proved, Nofap Increase Confidence.
Stay Strong Nofap Brothers !!!

I agree with this article. I am one of doing fap. I knew fap since seven. I still struggle to stop fap in my life until now. My best achievement while stopping fap only 1 month, but it feel more in my life, my social to be better, I am to be brave person, confidence and active. Unfortunately, once I do fap, my character almost changed, I am to be a shy person, not confidence and passive. My life feel bad while I did fap.
Thanks Baya,
It is tough but you can do it. Don’t give up and you will see the benefits soon.
Very nice i like it
Very nice true i like it
Very true and great article bro I like it
I’m from Indian, I was addicted to masturbation and watching porn for a long time, and completely emotionally imbalanced, confidence level very low, and my whole life and attitude changed because of fapping and watching porn, but one day I was suffering from viral fiver and I don’t have energy to to it both of them for 2 two weeks, and automaticlly stop, and I decided to quit both of them, now I’m seeing the resluts of it.
My confidence level back to normal, socially engaging has been increased, my eye contact back to normal, overall feels like I found heaven.
So guys, if you facing same kind of problem, you have a solution…Dot it with paryer.
Yes it appears that nofap does increase confidence but I have only experienced it in brief doses. It started with 2 days of increased social skills and wanting to engage others more and joke around. But it faded. Then later I experienced just pure directness and I-don’t-give-a-shit confidence. That also went away after a couple days.
So now I’m feeling less anxiety but the confidence is more or less what it was before. Although on a couple of occasions I have basically told people to fuck off. Don’t know if would have had the energy to do that before.
So I’m on day….71? It’s been over 10 weeks. I feel a bit better in general but if I can get that confidence back that I had there, that would be awesome….
It’s true, Nofap and semen retention will give you benefits. But, for me the confidence and energy I experienced on day 195 faded after about 3-4 days. I mean, sure, the deep voice, at the beginning left me for three days before coming back full force, but I don’t know if that’s going to be the case this time. I have waited 195 days for more confidence and it just doesn’t stick. It’s like some kind of tease lol, here you go, have some, and now…BYE BYE lol.