Nofap is life changing and whoever starts the Nofap challenge will feel all the mind-blowing benefits of Nofap. But, before you commence Nofap, you should comprehend the depths of Nofap. I have divided the whole experience into 7 stages or also known as the stages of Nofap.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the Stages of Nofap:
Stage 1: The Threshold
I call it the threshold because this stage is the door to freedom. In this stage, you’ve decided that you have lived with this monkey on your back long enough. You are tired of constant;y watching Porn and fapping. It is affecting other areas of your life. Your relationship might be failing, you might not be able to get into a relationship, you might be awkward in social situations.
You feel like Porn is taking over your life and you need to put a full stop to it once and for all. This decision is what makes it called “The Threshold”
Stage 2: The Preamble (Week 1 or First 7 Days)
So it begins. Your Nofap journey begins with a lot of enthusiasm and you feel you can do it. It is day 1 and you are pumped. You are energetic, fast, confident and positive. Everything feels great and you think that you will conquer this Nofap challenge. But, little do you know that you are an amateur at this point and are likely to relapse within a couple of weeks.
Because you are not prepared for the upcoming urges. “The Urges” are going to hit you like a freight train. The amateurs lack experience in this scenario and don’t know how to suppress and subdue these urges. It is certain that you will relapse at this stage. But, don’t despair.
Learn from your mistakes. Even if you relapse, find the pattern and observe the situation the next time urges hit you. This moment is critical as to what steps you take will carve out your journey.
Stage 3: The Oblivion (10-15 Days)
This stage is the weirdest of all the stages of Nofap. Anything can happen at this stage. It is called the oblivion because the fapstraunaut will look back at the time and will witness that how far he has come. Your mind will trick you into thinking that you are cured. You will not witness any benefits and you will start thinking that Nofap is not working for you. Brain fog and many other issues will raise their head.
This problem can be solved by rational thinking. You have to get as far from daydreaming because it will lead to mental images that are hard to forget. Focus on the reality and think what you are doing. At any point, stay away from meditating because it will make you think that you are relaxing but actually you will be relapsing. Get a pretty decent amount of sleep and stay away from your laptop, computer or Instagram accounts of hot fitness models. Figure out a safe route that will help you stay away from relapsing.
Stage 4: Maturity (25-30 Days)
Maturity is a very enjoyable stage in all the stages of Nofap. You will experience a lot of benefits at this stage. Your confidence will on an all-time high and you will feel invincible. Discipline will become your best friend and you will spend your days making yourself better. A lot of energy and motivation will come your way. But, these feelings can quickly turn into complete opposite disaster. You will feel low and demotivated in a matter of minutes. You will not feel any urges. This is known as Flatline.
You have to understand that everyone feels more than 1 flatline. It may last for two weeks or more, it varies from fapstraunaut to fapstraunaut. Basically, during this time you will feel immense personal growth. You will learn a lot of things about himself and his addiction. You will develop strategies to avoid relapse, some will work and some will not. Do not relapse at this time. I repeat, Do not relapse at this time because it will be a large throwback and prolong your flat-lining.
Binging after relapse will be the worst in this stage as it will throw you back at the start. Be realistic in this stage and think why you are doing this. Work on an efficient strategy to fight against urges.
Stage 5: The System (55-60 Days)
This is the best of all the stages of Nofap. Everything will work smoothly in this stage like a well-oiled machine. All the benefits of Nofap will be experienced by you and will constantly evolve. All this happens during a 90-day mark. You will come out of Flatline and everything will feel a bit nicer to you. Urges are almost negligible and life will be going upwards.
You will feel an insane confidence boost and you will not be thrown off balance. You will have tried and tested methods to fight urges and your strategy will be flawless.
Stage 6: The Horizon (145-150 Days)
So, now you are thinking that you are free from masturbating but wait, not so fast. You must be thinking that why is this stage called “The Horizon”. It is called the horizon because it seems endless to you. You have gone the longest without fapping and this doesn’t seem to end.
You will be happy after reaching this stage but you won’t feel any great benefits because you’ve experienced all the benefits and are used to them. Now, you are waiting for something bigger. The fact is that is not going to happen. It is a saturation point. The closer you will get to your goal, the slower you will move forward. You may lose your determination as you have stopped noticing any benefits. You may end up relapsing during this time because your brain will trick you into thinking that you can go back to your old behavior.
Even if you relapse at this stage, it is practically harmless. It will not throw you back but you should not relapse again and again. It will push you towards your old behavior and all the benefits will be lost.
The trick to gain benefits at this stage is to push yourself out of your comfort zone on a daily basis. Your brain will get cozy with your habits. You have to throw yourself out of your comfort zone.
Stage 7: The Forever (365 Days or More)
This is the last stage of Nofap reboot. You have to do the Nofap challenge for more than 365 days. Many YouTubers say that you get to see benefits that are beyond comprehension like mental calmness, emotional independence i.e, not be emotionally co-dependent on anyone, control of your mind, disciplined like a monk and mindset that cannot be shaken.
This is not the end, it is just the beginning of something more beautiful. Your urges have vanished at this stage and you will not relapse anymore. Even if you relapse, it will be out of curiosity. After your relapse, it will feel redundant.
If you don’t want to relapse again and be what you were before, compare yourself with the person you are now with the person you were before you were stuck in that rut. This will kill your urges for sure.
Stages of Nofap - The Takeaway Nofap takes nerves of steel but if successful you will witness freedom. Freedom from depression, social anxiety, the addiction to pornography. Every stage of Nofap means something. Every stage tells you how strongly you were connected to the poison that was holding you back from achieving greatness. Don’t be afraid of these stages of Nofap, they are just labels. All you have to do is decide to stop and you will achieve it.

Very nice i like it
The first few weeks were very depressing, but after a month it feels great.
Today is my 64th day of no fapping and i im enjoying it
Right true information I like it
I am on stage 5 (the system) nd i m becoming the best version of myself everything feels so down to earth . Its like …..i cant describe this incredible feeling i m getting bcoz i mixed nofap with meditation, running, work out…guys if you don’t want to do work out dont do it bt i will say do meditation this time bcoz that immense energy needs to be channelise so do meditation..
Can anyone please help me what to do after nightfall? Is nightfall counted in relapse? Nightfall severly occurs to me and it then binge me to fap…. Plz help.
I DON’T think so. Nightfall is not exactly in ur control. Dont feel guilty about it
Do yogasan like ugrasan
Tyr my best definitely!
Thanks. Really healpful
I want to join the course
This blog deserve to be vlog on youtube
Amazing information , well described and motivation as well
The information is very helpful and inspiring to me. I have so far gone to the oblivion stage and I ended up in a nofap relapse several times. I’ve just learnt how to make good moves to make it work. Thanks so much
I am interested
I did nofap for about 80 days before I found out about nofap and it has helped me learn about and understand the stages I’ve been going through and am now at 90 days with no relapse!
I am interested in nofap challenge
I am interested in course
A very well written article except for the avoiding Meditation part. Meditation helps in no fap, it is the best thing that coupe happen. Meditation helps you get used to the boredome which eventually leads to relapse.
Yes I want to feel all that benefits, thank you.
Thanks for the article, I’m on my way to 365+ days NoFap. Let’s keep thriving bro!
I m interested in no fap challenge and going to start it from this moment.
Yes I’m interested. I’m fallen in this bed habit from long time I always try to get rid from this bed habit but I fall every time I’m very worries about this it destroying me in all feild of life.