If you are one of the Fapstronauts then I have good news for you. You are going to change your life for good. You are going to witness the benefits of Nofap that you have never seen before. But, with Nofap comes a lot of questions and one of them is, “What is Nofap Flatline?”
A lot of Fapstraunauts are unaware of a Nofap Flatline and they end up relapsing because of it. Please share this article with all the Fapstronauts to let them know about the Nofap flatline so that they don’t relapse.
Let’s get it started
What is Nofap Flatline?
It is just a phase every fapstronaut goes through during the reboot process. In this phase, you will experience zero libido. From an always eager libido to none at all, this can be uncomfortable and scary for an experienced masturbator. But, not to worry, it is just a phase and will pass soon.
In this phase, a Fapstronaut or a Femstronaut gets scared that their libido is permanently gone. They immediately switch back to porn and end up breaking their streak. This is one of the major reasons behind relapses. All you have to understand is that your libido will come back and you will be able to control it better than before.
Withdrawal Flatline Phase
Coasting Flatline Phase
Let’s discuss the flatline phases in detail.
1. Withdrawal Flatline Phase
This phase is very tough. You feel depressed, anxious and irritable all the time. The thing that irritates you is that you feel urges all the time.
The possibility of relapsing in this phase is the highest. All you can think about is Porn and masturbating. You have to understand is that this phase is very short and it passes within 10 to 15 days. If you control yourself in this time-frame you won’t relapse.
2. Coasting Flatline Phase
In this phase, most of your urges are gone. Your mood has stabilized and you feel great mentally. But, the problem with this phase is that you feel boredom, anhedonia, and insomnia. In other words, you feel bored as hell.
You don’t have a working libido and the attraction towards girls is absolutely zero. Fapstraunauts relapse in this phase because they are scared that their libido might not return back. So, they get back to Porn and masturbate. This ends up their streak and they have to start from scratch.
One thing that you have to understand is that your libido has not gone anywhere and it will return and you will be able to control it better than ever.
How to Fight the Nofap Flatline?
The Flatline is nothing but your body wanting the Porn back. Your brain has enjoyed a lot bathing in rewarding dopamine for so long that when it doesn’t get that amount of Dopamine, it acts like a parasite. And just like a parasite it only takes and never returns anything.
The Flatline will push you towards relapse. At this critical time, you have to hang on to the rope of Nofap. The lack of dopamine will freak you out, make you feel afraid and create situations that will throw you towards Porn, just to cross check whether your penis still works. To end up this horrible discomfort you are feeling right now.
The flatline exploits you by giving you the sex drive of a 95-year-old man. Zero Libido, no attraction towards females, no desire to masturbate and no benefits of Nofap as far as the eye can see. If you run back to porn your brain will feel good and normal again.
But the Nofap Flatline is a deceiver. It pushes you towards instant gratification and it doesn’t tell you that a better you awaits you at the end of the tunnel. If you enter this fight, you will come out as a winner who will be much stronger, faster, sharper and superior to your previous self. You will be more emotionally connected to the world than you ever were.
The Return from the Flatline
Everyone is different. Everyone’s addiction is different from the next person. The years you have fapped to porn is completely different from any other individual.
So, your flatline will be unique. There are some common scenarios between all the Fapstronauts.
- You will feel crazy libido for 5 minutes and nothing for the rest of the day.
- Hard erections but no desire to have sex or masturbate.
- The desire to have sex but no erections.
- You will get depressed, moody and antisocial.
- Temptations will come in waves.
After your Flatline is over, you will feel far better then you used to feel in your fapping days. The benefits of Nofap will be clear as water. You will feel confident beyond limits. Your erections will be rock hard and if you had ED then it will be gone as well.
The social awkwardness will be gone as well. You will laugh more and will be able to feel emotions that you never thought you had. You will feel all the benefits of Nofap.
All you have to do is be patient and believe in yourself.
Stay strong Brothers!!!

Wow!!! wonderful article. just what I needed. I seriously was wondering if there was anything wrong and was thinking to try everything to see if it would work again. Was even considering ending my streak but this makes all the sense in the world and it just helped to push thru and continue. thanks a lot
Awesome post. But you should also read this one – https://manvsfap.com/nofap-flatline/
Very nice article I like it bro
I stopped watching porn a couple of months ago, but only recently started nofap and many of the things I’ve been experiencing in that time have been described in this article.
It’s reassuring to see that it’s all part of the process and will pass in time.
Thanks for sharing.
EXCELENT, PERFECT. Keep going like this, we need you you know 😉
I loved the article, it explains how you should simply just do something healthily productive than getting erotic with it’s flatlines.