Nofap community is growing stronger and stronger each day. People are learning about the heinous effects of Porn in their daily lives and they are trying to abstain from it.
Many people have come out and confessed about their Porn addiction. It is not easy to do such a thing because opening up in front of thousands of people on Youtube about something so private takes guts. However, thanks to those people we now know that people are trying to overcome their demons.
So, What breaks nofap? So, the fact of the matter is, no matter how tough do you think you are mentally, you will relapse. People who have achieves Nofap for 2 or three years have months of relapsing behind them. Indeed it is tough but you can do it. Yes, you may relapse here and there but don’t despair. I will give you some steps that will help you to a great extent.
Identifying the Pattern
Relapse is not something that happens instantly. The process of relapse begins days before you relapse, in your mind. Believe me or not, there is a pattern to relapsing. Let me break it to you piece by piece.
Let’s say there is a girl whose video you used to watch regularly. You will think that let me just look at her picture, just her face. Then you look at her entire picture. This is where it gets critical. Now you will want to look at her nudes. Before you know it you will be surfing for Porn and you will end up doing PMO.
You have to stop your self from looking at her pictures or any other girls nude or semi-nude pictures. When you quit Porn, in the first few days you are at a very vulnerable spot. Your mind is recovering and you will be aroused by simplest of pictures of girls.
Different people have different patterns. Find your pattern to stop relapsing.
Social Media
I am not saying that you quit social media completely but you have to unfollow or unsubscribe from those accounts who have arousing pictures of semi-nude girls. This is related to the first stage “Identifying the Pattern“.
You will be surfing on Instagram, minding your own business and suddenly you see a superfit girl wearing minimal clothes. You will be instantly aroused because your brain is on Porn withdrawal. The next thing you know you will be on her account looking at all her pictures and on other accounts looking at other graphics and arousing pictures.
You have to unsubscribe or unfollow such accounts if you want to avoid relapse.
Frequently visit the NoFap website or watch a NoFap Youtube Videos
This is a very effective way if you want to avoid relapse. Visit a website or watch a Youtube video. Look at the benefits others have achieved by doing NoFap. The benefits of Nofap are undeniable and watching these videos or reading such articles will help you because they are very motivational.
If those people can achieve such things then you can too. By seeing such videos you also come to know that what Porn is doing to your brain. Read a scientific study here and there. You will start to loathe Porn once you know that you are addicted to it and you cannot function without porn. It’s the harsh reality.
Do Not Take It Lightly
If you want to avoid relapse from happening again and again then you should remember one thing: It’s not easy. The sooner you realize it the better. If you think it is easy then you will browse through sexy pics or watching nudes. The next thing you know, you are in an incognito window and you are playing with your little friend.
When you are not feeling any urges, you will feel that it is easy but when urges hit hard your brain will make up any excuse for watching Porn and Fapping.
Replace your Urges
This tip can help you a lot to avoid relapse. You have to find a suitable replacement for your urges. Choose a set of things when you feel that the urges are uncontrollable – do jumping jacks, burpees or a set of pushups. Do some chores at home or watch a Nofap motivational video.
Sometimes the urges will hit you so hard that you have to leave home. Go to a mall or a public place. In a nutshell, you have to keep yourself busy, a lot. When you are at home your brain will ask for it but replace it with something productive.
One day At A Time
You have to take it one day at a time. Your main focus should be to make it to the end of the day without fapping. If your goal is 90 days or even longer. If you take it one day at a time then it will make your goals more reachable and measurable. You will not get demoralized if you think that just a few hours until bedtime and one day will pass. This sounds horrible but once you start seeing the benefits, you will be happy that you started in the first place.
If you have a 90-day goal then don’t think that you have 89 days more day to go on the first day. This will demotivate you. Break it down to day by day to avoid relapse.
No Edging
Edging is worst then masturbating. It says that you have no control over your desires. Edging is feeding your addiction. It’s a part of PMO. Even if you are not doing P and O, you are still doing M and the goal of doing NoFap is doing none of these things.
If you continue to edge, you will relapse. To avoid relapse, you have to stop edging too. If you continue to do it then you are destined to fail.
Stop Watching Porn
Well, this is an obvious one. All the Nofap enthusiasts know that wrecking effects of Porn on the brain. Whatever you do, don’t let it lead up to porn. If you are on NoFap then your dopamine levels are getting back to normal and you don’t want to mess up the progress you have made.
Modern Porn is too hard for our brains to handle and all you are doing by watching porn is desensitizing your brain. It will lead to ejaculation and you will feel horrible after that. You have to take hard steps to prevent yourself from watching porn.
Also Read:
To Wrap It Up
These are some of the steps that can prevent you from relapsing. I guess this answers your question, What breaks nofap? Follow these tips and you will find yourself at ease when the urges hit you. You will succeed to a certain extent with these tips but it all depends on you to succeed and control your desires.

Very nice i like it
Thanks Nirav,
Glad we could help.
I hope someone can help me!
I’ve been into this for almost 11 years, can’t quit no matter what I do!
And the more I try to get clean (3 or 4 days) the more I relapse and get harder Chaser effect (2 or 3 times a day) and then start again.. or just give up and do it every 1 or 2 days.. for 11 years for God sake!!
Please, I’ve tried every thing and I’m tired of it, help me!
Hello John,
We have heard this problem from many of our subscribers.
We are going to launch a NOFAP Challenge course which is going to help you guys achieve it.
Are you guys interested?
Type YES in the comment section.
Yes I really wanna get into it I’m tired of life man it’s horrible
Hello, after reading your comment I’ve got one reasonable issue for you to apply. YOU should change your environment, first of all, if you have such an opportunity. If not, then change your habits and struggle fighing against your brain urges. Yet, if you are already doing some sports and living healthy, find some job, that will engage you fully into it, because you have to replace the source of dopamine (Porn) in your brain with other one, more reliable and useful. Hope this will help you!
No fap journey is the bullshit ever found on earth .. why ?
because the people who fap actually sick mind and pedo type people..
they even fap doing nofap journey .. !!
What’s wrong with stopping an unhealty addiction and tell its to another people,remember it’s okay not to be okay but it’s never okay to suffer in silence.
I know it’s hard but this helped to get to more days on nofap so I said to myself,”whenever I touch it (for the urge) Id punch myself” ,it may sound hard but I got to day 17 like this hope u get rid of this addiction.
I think at this point,no advice or nofap video is going to help advice for you would be to find a spot,for at least half an hour a day,meditate.Find the root cause of the problem,remember the day that it happened,why did you do it,what drove you to do it,what emotional state where you in when it happend.Once you find the root,then you can take it out.Of course this is not easy,At this point I would recommend you to seek help from a therapist so he can help you find the root cause which of course there is absolutely no shame in that at all,or open it up to someone you trust.However,If you want to take the alone route,then you would need to do a lot of meditation and intuitive thinking.I would also recommend deleting all social media,of course I don’t expect you to do it all at one go or at all,but let’s face it:whenever you are free,you would likely take out your phone and just scroll and scroll.You don’t give yourself time to just think about everything that happens in life.This is my advice for you,may it be easy for you.
Hey all, would love to be able to text someone when I’m feeling weak. Anyone willing to message each other for support?
AFTER 12 i relapse and so depressed now I am feeling better after reading this article and now i motivated to continue my journey for no gap thankyou for advice.
Yes I can do it and I will definitely quit this shit
There is a app called man don’t fap: mdf no fap, with the help of that app i made it through 98 ish days that was the best time of my life and then the next time around 155 days but i have been broken in the meanwhile a lot but the fact of the matter is these applications can make a impact it depends on your determination and the app will do it is work it is what we understand what the app is saying
I’ve been trying to quit for so long. I’ve tried everything. The longest I’ve gone sober was 30 days on my own, no apps or anything then I’d fall into the chaser effect…and was kicking myself afterwards, like why man! You were doing so well. With MDF my best time was 16 days before relapse… but I’m gonna keep fighting the good fight