So what if you relapsed. Don’t take it too personally. Nofap relapse is common and normal.
Do you know why? Because it is tough. I know when you started your Nofap journey, you were all excited and pumped up because of the benefits of Nofap you heard on Youtube and read on the Internet. But, the reality is different. Even the big YouTubers failed many times before achieving success.
You can achieve success too. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you failed. I’ll help you get back on track.
Here are a few tips and tricks to get you the results you need.
Drink lots of Water
Start by drinking lots of water. You can be dehydrated after a Nofap relapse. Drinking plenty of water will keep your mind fresh and help you make sane decisions.
Don’t go on a binge
After a Nofap relapse, people often get depressed and get on binge-watching porn and masturbating. Their mindset changes and provokes them to do it multiple times.
They think, “I’ve done it already. Let me do it a few more times and I’ll start the Nofap challenge tomorrow.” This is called the Chaser effect.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. The binge can continue from a day to several days to weeks and even months. I’ve personally fallen into this trap.
Do Not Get On A Binge or The Chaser Effect
If you relapse then dust yourself off and start from that moment. Everyone has a moment of weakness. You should not make it a daily thing.
Identify the cause
After a relapse, get into the investigative mode. Try and identify the triggers that made you relapse. A Nofap relapse is a series of activities.
It all starts with an urge. This urge is fueled further by looking at pictures of girls on Social Media. If you come across a hot picture of a girl on Instagram, then you must unfollow that girl immediately.
Seeing the picture of a semi-nude girl on Instagram will leave a print on your brain and you will think about that the whole day. Next, you will start seeing nude pictures of girls and bing bang boom, you are looking at porn and you’ve already relapsed before you even know it.
The above is just an example. Different people have different triggers. Identify your triggers and make them stop.
Eat something healthy
Most people stuff their face with junk food after a Nofap relapse. The crappy feeling is the reason you eat bad stuff and relapse again and again.
Eating something healthy packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals which will replenish your body and you will not feel tired. Plus eating right foods is always good for your health.
Watch a Nofap Motivational Video
A Nofap relapse can be very depressing because you feel like you don’t have any control over your mind. Watching a Nofap motivational video will put you back on track. Watching other people reap the benefits of Nofap can motivate you to start again.
A Nofap motivational video can also help when you can’t control your urges and want to fap. This will remind you how far you’ve come and how far you can go. These videos on YouTube can be eye-opening.
Do Something Constructive
After your relapse, don’t sit idle. Go out and do something constructive. What I would prefer is to take a “Cold Shower”. This reduces the Chaser Effect. After a cold shower, the chances of you relapsing will reduce significantly.
Read, Read and Read. This a mind stimulating activity. You will get to learn a lot of things if you read and it would divert your mind from the urges.
Go to the Gym and do weight training. Squats, Deadlifts, and a complete body workout will release more hormones and testosterone. This will be the most refreshing activity you can do after a relapse. After hitting the gym, your stress levels will go down.
Write Down Your Goals
Take a piece of paper and a pen and jot down your goals. Be it a Nofap related goal or your other goals. This gives you a sense of direction and motivation to move forward. A Nofap relapse can push you off course but writing down your goals will help you stay on track.
Get Your Mind Right
Don’t think about the Nofap relapse too much. Thinking about it too much will get you nothing, only regret and the feeling of depression which leads to more relapses. Take a cold shower and get the heck out of dodge.
Go outside and talk to people. If you see a pretty girl then approach her and strike up a conversation. You will get a sudden boost of confidence. Go out of your comfort zone and do something that scares you. You will feel more alive and happier.
If you are on a NOFAP journey then sometimes we relapse and we feel so frustrated after that and energy-less.
Here we wanted to share the Supplements that will be helpful for you to recover fast on your NOFAP Journey.
Also Read:
16 Ridiculous Benefits of NoFap – Break Free Today NOFAP Benefits List
Stages Of Nofap – What You Need To Know Before You Start Nofap
What is Nofap Flatline? Types of Nofap Flatline & What To Do During A Nofap Flatline?
Nofap For Women – What Are The Effects Of Porn & Female Nofap Benefits
Nofap And Hair Regrowth – Full Explanation & The Truth
Wrapping it up
A relapse can be heartbreaking but you can use these tips and tricks to get yourselves back on track. Think about the goals you want to achieve and the benefits you want to receive from this Nofap journey. A Nofap relapse is just a bump in your journey which cannot stop you from achieving greatness.
Stay Strong. Stay Happy.
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Just relapsed after 21 days of hard mode journey. And i have observed that two things triggered my urges are utterly spicey food and borederm
Next time i will take care of these two factors and try to avoid both of them simultaneously. I was depressed and frustrated because that 21 days of hard work become 0 just in a fucking moment.
This fourm gave me some boost. And i am back on the track again.
Hello there. Try mediration vipassana. Google it. It is free and gives good results. I have tried it and because of it I am focused and know what, when where and how to achieve target and my goals. Thanks and take care
can u suggest how to do meditation
Try sudarshan kriya .online breath and meditation course. The breathing technique is world renowned and also a part of Harvard University s curriculum. Drop me a line at +918884443204 to know more. Has personally helped me a looottt
You can chant some mantras to calm the mind. I chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Yes it’s work someone suggest me this I tried and this works I suggested to all persons to plzz do this mantra meditation it is very simple u just sit and chant and hear attentively hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare
Beleive me this 16 words can change the most dangarous habits also like taking drugs,churus,ganja etc
This is the most effective way for calming your mind!
I also have been doing this and it helps me a lot!
The syllables are sooo powerful that it will leave you with complete positivity and purity in heart and mind!
It’s a food for your soul!!
Hi David..
I would like to contact you… is there a way in which I can personally talk to you?
Wow ! I Chant too ! Hare Krishna prabhuji!!
Yes i want to join
Download Heart’sApp by heartfullness. In this app trainer’s will guide you and teaches you how to meditate.
Watch videos on vipassana (ANAA-PANA) or try to attain vipassana 10 day meditation camp it’s free you can Google it.
Meditation is easy you have to sit on the groung with the pose of meditation and close your eyes don’t think any thing and take deep breaths do it for 5 to 10 minutes or you can go to 20 minutes also but in beginning 5 to 10 minutes meditation will be Right
Have you gone for 10days Vipassana meditation Practice or learned from youtube.
No subscribe to one of the centers. That’s the only reasonable way to learn the vipassana meditation.
Which plateform is providing free guidence. After searching we got plenty of website.
Same thing happened with me when I was on 45day streak went in vain .
Brother. I have an equal achievement like you you. Fuck that penis. It’s natural like working with hands legs mind brain.
It’s also a body part. It wants to be used. It’s ok. It’s normal.. it’s easy.
Actually really truly it’s not end of the world. Means by doing it you don’t have to take the baggage of blame for people’s suffering. While you suffer very little one cares. You don’t need to suffer. Satisfy yourself. Go easy. It’s like birthday cake. Do some kind works for others. You are a real hero.
I just relapse yesterday it was my all time best day 43
It was a hard journey for me! Ths addiction literally took over me. Start of 2020 i used to 1.5gb everyday just by watchng bullshit… Btw now far i hv understood it trying to get rid of this… Wish me luck
I am addicted to porn and masterbation. I can’t even control for two days. Now I am going to stop this nonsense and came here to comment after 21 days streak.
Hi Orefile, how can we help?
Don’t be so disappointed
Because you relapsed after 21 days that doesn’t mean all the progress you made is erased you still have 21 days clean
You can expect to have 100 days of nofap
Without relapse
The point is to have the most days clean so your body can adapt how to get rid off this bad habbit
My advice don’t relapse at all but if do don’t do it again and don’t hard on your self instead take a good look on your progress and move on.
Thank you
I have a question if I relapse due to wet dream is it still counted as relapse? Did I need to reset my streak? I hope you guys can help me with this
If the night fall had caused due to your urges or a small sneak peak in to your desirable world, then it should be reset. If it was totally involuntary/unconscious of you having total control of your mind and body, then it can be ignored.
None the less, Keep Moving forward and stay motivated.
No, a wet dream doesn’t count as relapse. For that matter anything that happens unconsciously or unintentionally counts neither. It’s the conscious one that is (say a fap). So no worries, a wet dream happens just bcuz of past imprints. Don’t look back. Keep moving with your streak. God speed.
Friend I get relapsed after 105 days of hard and crucial journey
I relasped on 59th day shit man all of my progress goes in a moment, I tried so hard but got so far but in the end it does even matter, before the 60 days my life is totally fucked up my gf broked up with me I got broke, got suspended from college , not getting a job , I started NO fap I conquered 59 days but I failed here too. Just want to move on from this help me someone
I relasped on 59th day shit man all of my progress goes in a moment, I tried so hard but got so far but in the end it does even matter, before the 60 days my life is totally fucked up my gf broked up with me I got broke, got suspended from college , not getting a job , I started NO fap I conquered 59 days but I failed here too. Just want to move on from this help me someone please
Me too… after 107 days… after than move than 160 failed attempts… starting again from today, 29th January.
No You don’t Have Any control Over Wet Dreams So Don’t Relapse
Yes… i am interested in taking your nofap course
Hi im new to the nofap concept just relapsed after a week and hearing other people share helps thanks dudes
Same man ! Exact 21 days . Watched something on Netflix and booomm! I need to work on it. Face it till you make it brother
What is your surname??
I was on the hard mode of nofap since 10 days and then I had a urge to show semi nude girls on youtube and then suddenly it started becoming so hard. At that time my dopamine levels was increasing, giving me signals to watch something that give me relapse. So I started watching nofap motivation video to get back on track. Then suddenly I went into the comment section where I found the word ‘hentai’ which was new for me. And I watched a video of hentai on youtube back to back and I didn’t even realise that what I was doing at that time. Finally I relapsed by rubbing my p*nis between my thighs (sitting in vajrasana) and with my hands.
Conclusion: Never ever watch hentai videos, it is available on youtube and they are much more dopamine sensitive then actual porn.
You yourself are contradicting the suggestion which you gave dude
I feel you. I was at 28 days, longest streak in a while. Ended up staying up late gaming, and got into that toxic mood. Saw some provocative stuff on IG, and all bets were off. This article is so helpful because identifying the triggers means you can plan ahead and avoid them.
It was my 59 days on nofap, I started panicking and I had a terrifying dream last night, some deep voice telling me to fuck a girl and I saw a beautiful lady in a yellow dress and guess what she fucked me dude and I released a lot of semen. I’m feeling depressed and guilty. I feel like I’m starting over again. I feel so sorry to my self because there’s a day I watched porn , before that dream I had a lot of urges and felt so comfortable have a lot of energy, shivering, scared and banicking my heart was racing the whole day , it’s been for 14 hrs on nofap and think I have to get back on track.
I relapsed yesterday after a streak of 51 days , I know the pain,the reason is same as you (spicy food & a chicken) but I’m on track because cold showers & meditation helped me a lot.
Yeah I’ve been having relapse problems. For me it’s just because of my lifestyle. I’m working on changing that now.
Just from doing my relaps after a hardcore struggle of 65 days….i actually managed to control my urge but i still felt like doing it…just to know how it feels…to be honest I don’t feel that bad….cause it’s not like I’ve not achieved anything…i have felt it’s postive effects and as long as i don’t go ona binge…those effects won’t go that eaisly…and even after relapsing…i still feel calm and controlled…and i can certainly control my urges more properly now…i hope thisll be my last relaps till i reach my goal…
What a coincidence my no fap journey got fucked up on day 21. My triggers were frustration, anger, resentment
Yeah same for me also after 20 days i relapsed now its being like bad with me
I’m sort of facing the same problems thanks for the idea will try to do something creative rather than watching series like a couch potato,i could try some thing like gardening or jogging.
Me to 21 days
Ya me too i havent gone more than 7 days from 2 months 17 times relapse now i am going to do change my habits
Relapsed after a 97 days of nofap which I totally didn’t mean to
I am addicted to porn and masterbation. I can’t even control for two days. Now I am going to stop this nonsense and came here to comment after 21 days streak.
I am addicted to porn and masterbation. I can’t even control for two days. But now I promise that I will control for continuous 21 days and thereafter I will come to comment here.
I only survive 4 days without relasped please give some suggestion please
Yes I’m interested in Nofap challenge
Yes bro very nice and right article I like it
Do the supplements help in No FAP
Dude the supplements won’t make you stop fapping. You need to do it. The supplements are to only make you healthy. You can take any not just these ones. The secret to nofap is not in some book or supplement, its the sheer fucking willpower to change.
Relapsed after three months. This was all very helpful, just wanted to say thanks for the content and all the best with your nofap journey.
My problem of fapping is a little different.
I used to have a serious case of insomnia but I was afraid of telling my parents. So, I used fapping as a trigger to get sleepy and sleep I continued but before I know I was habituated to fapping.
Somebody help please
Same here. I have numbed myself to sleeping only after watching porn. I often stay awake up to 2 in the night until I watch porn. I advise turning your gadgets to someone so you will limit access to the web at night.
Amen! Do plenty of physical activity during the day so you are exhausted at night.
I massively agree with that. I also conditioned myself to watch porn then sleep but it became hard for me when i couldn’t sleep at times. Learning to leave my phone or laptop when it’s time to sleep should be my number one priority to overcome this.
Thanks guys
I had a friend who did the same thing in order to fall asleep. We didn’t use to talk about fap all that much but one day he brought up the subject and it turned out that we both are addicts (me a lot more than him). So we started nofap together. I had tried nofap before but couldn’t even do 8 days so gave it up but this time, having a friend do it with me felt good. I relapses last night without watching anything sexual (prone mast….). I would suggest you take this challenge with a friend or ask a friend to help you be on track. Call or text him whenever you feel the urge. Also I read in one of the nofap articles that semen retention helps with insomnia. Good Luck bro I hope you do greate in life.
Bro do sports. Get tired
My advice is
Workout hard
Exhaust your body all day .
That works a little bit different for me, I love working out hardly and getting tired but after that somehow I am being convinced that fapping will relax me. But anyhow after I see the process of my body, fapping started to be boring. Hope I will go on like this
Same here bro… after 3 months efforts…feels like all gone in a second
I don’t know if i will everstop faping I’ve tried many times but i just keep on relapsing. I feel like i must just give up it’s to hard to stop faping. I’ve just relapsed on the 8 day.
Bro, My first relapse was on 3rd day and second was on 7th day and third was on 14th day. My last relapse was on 19th day. And you know what? You fail, everybody fail. But that doesnt mean this is the end. Get up and restart the nofap challenge again. And atleast break your last streak record before you relapse again. And if you do that, that means you are improving and you are getting a better person.
Lets do it
I hope someone can help me!
I’ve been into this for almost 11 years, can’t quit no matter what I do!
And the more I try to get clean (3 or 4 days) the more I relapse and get harder Chaser effect (2 or 3 times a day) and then start again.. or just give up and do it every 1 or 2 days.. for 11 years for God sake!!
Please, I’ve tried every thing and I’m tired of it, help me!
Same here. I just do it because I am bored or have nothing fun to do or if I don’t get sleep. But, I still keep trying to quit. I have started meditating from today. Hope it will help.
I would suggest you to have girlfriend/boyfriend. Or even going and talking the strangers. Try everything you desire to get busy, I am trying to learn a new language and that also helps. Just don’t think too much that you shouldn’t fap. Hope I helped…
Bro, I kinda feel the same sometime. There is a life-changing video about dopamine and how to break dopamine influenced habits. Just click on YouTube -Andrew Kirby: Dopamine Detox. Best video I ever watched
Get psychological help. Clearly you don’t have the willpower to change the behaviour yourself, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Addictions are hard to quit by yourself especially behavioural ones that are easily maintained. A quit journal can also help where you note down when, where, with whom it happened and how it felt so you can go back and check what actually happened.
Have you tried deliverance, bru?
Try cold showers & meditation regularly.
Bro just dont think about it I suggest do sport like gym boxing calistenics. If u think about it it wont work. May Lord Christ bless You all guys in this society we all need him.
I was on 11 days streak when it was relapsed at 12:30 I felt very much disappointed about after so much struggle I started my nofap journey.
I am only 15 year old and I am suffering from masturbation since 2-3 years , now I’ve joined a nofap community on whatsapp but still I am unable to be on nofap for more than 2days , my recent highest streak was 11 days, I relapsed yesterday, don’t understand wjat to do because the tips mentioned above are mostly for experienced people
Find something to keep you occupied. If youre failing after 2 days youre not trying hard enough
Andrew Kirby: Dopamine Detox on YouTube
Just give it a try trust me it’s worth it.
Dude its gonna be all right
I have also been addicted for 3 years
You’re young, your hormones are crazy and it’s a normal thing to fap yourself. Anyways, I would recommend you to try to quit it, if you do it now that you’ve started it recently, it will help you a lot in the future. Good luck and never give up!
I relapsed after my 34 Days second streak first was 87 days & for both relapses my trigger was edging. O thought I’ll control the ejaculation but things went out of control. Today is my Day 1 & I have marked the date 6th August ie. 90 days. Wish me luck & Good Luck to all of you.
relapsed today after a 20 day streak. gonna try to go 90 days as well. best of luck
Amen! Do plenty of physical activity during the day so you are exhausted at night.
Brother I’m in a long distance relationship sometimes I can’t tackle this urge.
I can’t make my way to more than 3 days, earlier it was media , I have blocked all of them, then it came to my ex photos, it took me time to delete them, but I did, now I’m doing just with my imagination .
This is fucked up, I want it to stop, I’m wasting too much time in it.
Here after 11 days…
I want to end the addiction of faping please help
It’s just my experience, so i found it just so hard to outta nowhere to stop just after a day or some you’ll just relapse bec. You’re trying to stop an addiction, smth bad you love doing.
My advice is you have to feel bad about fapping after you’re done, and i mean immediately. So basically try to put fapping in a section of things that you don’t wanna do
Secondly try avoiding problems and sadness, you don’t need to be that happy, just don’t be so sad cuz it’ll only weaken you and you’re resistance when it comes to fapping
So just by the upper steps you’re gaining your self you’re trying have courage for what you’re doing. You controlling your mentality so you can think in your right mind so you can remind yourself of how bad fapping is.
Finally you need to be willing to give up fapping, i get it, we all want to, but you must have this tough mentality which is like “i wanna do this from my heart and i will” you wanna go all out for it, fight the bad thoughts as they come don’t let them play in your mind until you feel like you are already fapping.
To help fight these thoughts as the first minute as they come, you gotta change your environment, sit with your parents/friends, anyone…. Go maybe for a shower just don’t stay in the same place
I really hope this works, it did for me and I’m still going
It’s just my experience.
I relapsed at the 4th day itself…..
I too usually fap at night and sleep is awesome,
But everyday i started doing regularly…..
The day i did’nt fap i couldn’t sleep late at night…..
Or improper sleep getting up between the sleep cycle with urge to fap…..
My highest streak is only 2 days, i’ll become stronger!
It’s tough. Well into the nofap journey, one sudden day of too much work pressure it felt like the walls are closing in on me. With the media always popping up sexual images, I was lured for a release and 17 days of resolve went to hell.
But in those 17 days, for the first time in years i felt in control and felt good about myself.
Going to get a shower and ride that wave again…I know I can do this….and I will. It’s definitely an improvement because just 17 days before i couldn’t have said that to myself.
90 days….day 0 begins !
Let’s go brother, i’m on my day 0 too! We can do this together
I am just 15 year old and can’t control my urges and I don’t know why but I fap once Daily…
Is there something that can be done as I am losing my concentration on studies too….
Please help me out….
I think You should read more about the nofap and the harm that fapping does to our brain and the body. Visit Some other websites
and read a lot. Then only you will be able to control yourself
Cold shower my dude.
Try it, it take time to get used to it.
Yes i will
Someone help me plss. Does nofap helps to cure Anxiety & panic attacks ?
Unfortunately there’s no study that proves that NoFap “cures” these problems. But NoFap can help giving you control over your mind, it can help you, 100% sure of that, but don’t try to replace professional treatment with NoFap. Keep going to your psychiatrist, but don’t worry, NoFap will help you overcome those issues
I am furstrated with myself i think of no fab after masturbation and after 1 or 2 days i masturbate again
I cannot handle my urges sometimes when i woke up the only thing i want to do is masturbate even in the night i think of masturbation only
Please somebody help me out i want to get over this masturbation
I cannot talk to any girl in real life i can control my urges for max. 2 days
Bro it’s all about your mindset
Same here bro smh…
I can’t talk to nobody , not to girls not to my friends or even my own family and if they try to talk to me or whatever I keep ignoring them so Unintentionally cause all hear is too much fuckin voices in my head that I can’t hear nobody no more , I’m feeling like I trapped in my reality it’s feels like am not exist and am not belong to anywhere.
Just A walking traumatized, anxious, depressd dead ass mf who knew exactly what to do to escape this cage but he just don’t for no reason
since this fuckin queantine shit started I been beating my meat every night and shit is getting dark and got me fucked all the way up in my mind, tbh … even right now that I’m telling u all these bullshits I think I shouldn’t have to smh …but I did and I hope we get our shit togheter asap
Stay safe bro .
I relapsed after 14 days had my wet dreams followed by relapse. Really disappointed with the social media nowadays these will really pollute your mind. I already deactivated most of them. This app is really helpful and especially im taking my strength with the Lord. I know this is my battle but i can overcome this bec My God will never leave me to fight his battle.
Relapsed on day 11, feeling thatball my efforts went vain. I need help I started masturbating daily again. May be I can blame it as chaser effect but deep down iam depressed again. Lost my confidence . I don’t think I can continue nofap beyond 2 weeks. I tried several times and the maximum of my nofap journey is 11 days. I seriously need more willpower. I relapsed only due to excessive pornographic images sved in my brain and my sick fantasies.
That’s such a well written article. I really appreciate the good work that you are doing. I’ve observed many of these points can help people in reference to smoking and drinking too and I guess it really helps to overcome it by having such knowledge about it and our behaviour towards it. Thanks.
I relapsed after 12 days..
I had a relapse on my 4th day.But we won’t stop we will win the challenge.
Relapsed on day 25 it was like all the energy and that mindset had gone just in a second
Just installed app after a relapse and came here from it. These tips and advices looks very helpful. I hope i can achieve this time.
I fall almost daily, but now I’ve found the nofap app, and I’m going to try to improve. Scratch that, I will improve. My trigger is opening Chrome, due to force of habit I click incognito mode and then there’s no going back. But I’m not giving up. I’m gonna win!
Thank you So Much.
0 Day- No Fab
There is a way to save You From Replaced as you told us.
Search and investigate all Triggers.
And STOP at Point.
When Your Mind Want to do 1st Activity.
By This Trick You can Save Yourself.
I am so addicted from 10 years . I am always use different Method of fapping bcz my mind like different different method and also read from net also.dont believe any knowledge of fapping related.
I am so addicted that i am fetishe addicted means sniffiing undergarment of ladies type videos and category . I am dispointed very very ..i confess myself here to feel free… I will overcome this ADDICTION i have to….
I am a girl. And i hate to do it daily and sometimes for hours. After 5 days without i started a daily binge – its the fourth “binge day” now. I dont want to do it. Sometimes its like raping myself because i cant stop. I feel empty. And nobody knows. I look like a normal girl. I want to stop now!!!!!!!! I feel this pressure on me not to touch myself. Pray for me and be strong guys- its not just a boy thing.
I know what u mean i masturbate every day for hours till it hurts to cum but I haven’t cummed in like 3 days so its progress. Tryna ho a whole week without cummimg and see how big my ejaculate is
it doesn’t matter you are a girl or boy…
just try to motivate yourself no one can help you on it
i am sharing my experience
i am a full addict still even now.
i watch more p*** videos and Mas***** everyday sometimes 2 /3 times a day.
now i made a simple goal weekly once. at starting it was a struggle i used to wait for family members go to sleep and then go to bathroom and watch p*** videos and Mas*****.
but now i am able to control myself easly
am currently moving to monthly challenges now. ie 1 min 2 max per month.
this is a lengthy process but it will be helpful atleast you will not overdo yourself.
after this we can move to yearly goals..
none of my friends/family know i am still m***
i am shy to say so i act tough infront of them.
but whenever i am with them i think i can make a good progress.
watching p*** videos and Mas***** is not bad thing but i came understand that it will have an impact on our personality changes and character… so now i want to retain my originality
this community may or may not be able to help me but still this is a good Start which made me think of a changes…..
the best thing is the changes are beautiful….
now i feel like i am achieving something that is worthy…
there are many more things that i can’t share but want to make you know that you are not the person who is into this deep shit… there are many others… but some of them got rid of them and some still working on it like me and some still want to continue this god help them realize and they too will start to get out of it..
if any of the above things are irrelevant ignore them only take the part you like..
The exact same as mentioned in this is occurred with me on 3rd day that I was scrolling the instagram and saw a semi nude pic and everything goes wrong
Then Bing Bang boom I have replaced and this is just first so I am not lost my confidence…✌️✌️
I have relapsed after 97 days and it’s a crappy feeling, I all begin after I started watching dark desire on netflix and one thing led to another , let’s hope that next time I do better
Having a relapse after maintaining a long streak is very disappointing. But the only solution to this is to identify the triggers and be aware of them to keep going further. Be strong
I was on the hard mode of nofap since 10 days and then I had a urge to show semi nude girls on youtube and then suddenly it started becoming so hard. At that time my dopamine levels was increasing, giving me signals to watch something that give me relapse. So I started watching nofap motivation video to get back on track. Then suddenly I went into the comment section where I found the word ‘hentai’ which was new for me. And I watched a video of hentai on youtube back to back and I didn’t even realise that what I was doing at that time. Finally I relapsed by rubbing my p*nis between my thighs (sitting in vajrasana) and with my hands.
Conclusion: Never ever watch hentai videos, it is available on youtube and they are much more dopamine sensitive then actual porn.
I was on the hard mode of nofap since 10 days and then I had a urge to show semi nude girls on youtube and then suddenly it started becoming so hard. At that time my dopamine levels was increasing, giving me signals to watch something that give me relapse. So I started watching nofap motivation video to get back on track. Then suddenly I went into the comment section where I found the word ‘hentai’ which was new for me. And I watched a video of hentai on youtube back to back and I didn’t even realise that what I was doing at that time. Finally I relapsed by rubbing my p*nis between my thighs (sitting in vajrasana) and with my hands.
Conclusion: Never ever watch hentai videos, it is available on youtube and they are much more dopamine sensitive then actual porn.
I have made it!! Today is my 92 day.. i dont even have to check the app anymore. I won guys. It feels amazing. Everything in my life is on right track now. If I can do it anybody can do it. Best of luck guys.
Iam having multiple relapsing I really some advice
It’s almost 7 times .
So here is the thing, i agree with you all, but can we talk about what happen when you fetishised your own addiction and lack of control, even relapses, im talking of brainwashs/hypnos/joi/edging & so on, can we talk about that danger? can we talk about hypnotube?
I didn’t relapse but decided to begin again and this time with No sugar(glucose and sucrose) out of my system. After 96 days of Nofap nobooze nocigarettes I think i am ready to go full monty…
I fapped on my 83rd day.
The urges started from looking a YouTube video and then successive videos that gave me arousals.
Although it took me a long time to fap viz a viz before nofap , when i used to immediately jerk off after seeing something errotic.
Now i shall restart the journey and conquer the unconquered.
The same happened with me I relapsed
after 172 days strike now IAM struggling for 2 weeks to back on track
It’s 28 days strick and I break it today not just by fap I did sex too.. And it feels so disappointing I set some goal to no fap and I just failed.. I wish next time I can do it better and will be more focused on my dreams.
This is my first day to use Nofap app. Unfortunately have to use the relapse button immediately.
I’m gay and can’t stop control myself watching gayporn. Hopefully and Praying I will be able to stop watching porn and control my urge.
Man i am very stressed , in this lockdown it’s very difficult for me to be on nofap , i relapsed today after my 13 days streak , i know I don’t have to be dissapointed about me but i watched porn while relapsing , i am trying to stay away from it but it keeps calling . Please help me , i am continuously failing last time i failed at 10 days and then 4th and then 5th and now at 13th day
11th day.
It was a good first try.
Found that it’s hard for a person who attracts both oppose and equal.
But keep going, and improve by the time you fall.
Goodluck to the people who gave up, know that ya can get back up twice more stronger.
can you change the appbto game mode so we can take it as a challenge and be on the top..
i present scenario competition is the only drives people.
for example
if we had a list of people who didn’t relapsed for a long time then we will aim towards their score. i am highly addicted to Masturbation from my high school now i am 22 and still didn’t even had sex with any girl so i am no harm to others but now i am worried about myself and my career.So, recently i started my own way of coming out of it. 1st i made weekly goals like one time a week and am successful in that. now planing to go monthly goals(monthly once) and then yearly once or twice
i hope no one can motivate me unless i motivate my self
I’ve just relapsed in the night nearly 4 am I had a lot of physical pain in that moment of relapse. I relapsed after 18 days and I hate myself. I’ve definitely binge relapsed since then but now I’m back on track and I’ll definitely be back on nofap again. I’ll take control of my life and try to be more productive then ever. I hated it because I was so close to the 20th day of nofap.
After day 36 I gave up in search for those “super powers” that was promised wasn’t visible and frustration of seeing no change led me to relapse but I’ll try one more time just cause.
Me too after36 days
I dont want to do it. I m new to this challenge. Though i dont masturbate daily. But i usually do max 2 times a week. I want to stop it. But after 3-4 days i cannot control it. My mind starts pushing me towards porn after 3-4 days. I have a girlfriend. I have been masturbating since a long time. I was subjected to porn at a very early age. I remember once i went to my village during summer vacation. My cousin came to me and took me at a quiet place and showed me something. I didnt understood what was happening in that video. I was just an 11 year old. But he insisted me to watch it. It did not affected me at that time. But a part of it got stored in my mind. When i reached puberty, i got the internet access as my elder sister required it for filling forms. At first it was all okay. But after sometime my mind reminded of those scenes and finally i could not control my urges and searched for porn and since then there is no stopping back. I used to masturbate a lot during my teenage i.e once in two days or sometimes daily. Its been 10 years since i have been doing it. But now i want to quit it. It has destroyed my life. I was preparing for comperitive exam during my high school. But due to masturbation i never focussed on it. Due to masturbation i have remained an average student. But i have a lot of potential and i know. All my friends used to say me that you are really good at grasping concepts and intelligent, but i what happens to me in exams or the time i need to make use of my knowledge. I had no answers for that. But i knew the reason behind it. Watching porn and masturbating. I use to get anxiety at crucial time. And thats why i mess up during exams. I cannot concentrate. I have a girlfried. After i met her i decided not to masturbate. I reduce it to once a week or once in two weeks but couldnt stop it. But i was happy i reduced it. But then this lockdown happened. Although i m doing exercises and studying as a have a job now and i m working from home. But still i cannot control myself and masturbate 2 times a week. I feel guilty for it because this thing has affected my life a lot. I feel like im cheating on my gf. Thats why i want to stop it. And i will give my best. Anyone reading this…dont loose hope, you can do it.
I wanna move out of it
I don’t have any control to myself
I done it 2,3 times in day and
This happens with me from last 20 days
I got sickness , hairfall , weight loss
I just wanna go out of it..
I tried this challenge yesterday but today i failled.
I’m lazy
Lay 24 hour on bed.
Hello brother
I’m with you
It’ll pass bro
Hi all relapse happened to me because of this fucking social media…. Un installed all apps
i relapsed just after 3 days
but i am charged again
i will definitely do it
The problem: 31 days for a fucking moment,every thing I did is now on the floor because a focking single moment.
I’m depressed because of this literally tired.
I relapsed after 36 days , i feel so bad
Me too bro, after 42 days. So bad
Yes I am interested in the course
I’m interested in nofap challenge
If I watched porn but I don’t fap, so I must to restart my streak anyways? 😐
Relapsed after 33 days…i m feeling guilty for doing this. I was depressed and alond and that led me do this. I hope next time i will reach the 3month mark
Well, here I am gents. Once a man on a higher purpose gone down a twisted spiral into darkness. My relapse was rough. I fought and battled and September kicked me to the dust. October 2nd now and urge struck again and I caved. My wounds are opened back up again. I feel terrible and ashamed. Guess what? I’m not finished. Maybe everything didn’t go as planned this time, but I have another chance, another dream, another vision, another shot at making this right again. Cheers to the rest of sober October. Who’s with me? I decided to end this once and for all and I’m going to do so! It’s time to really get serious about this!
I started fapping when I was 13. Back then I had extremely hard erections and I was worried people will make fun of it. So I tried my best to lose the erections with cold water but eventually I ended up discovering mas********* as a permanent solution. Soon my desires increased and I would mas******* at least thrice each day. Then after some years I realized that I have started to become weak, dull and ill due to mas********* . I looked for articles about harmful effects of mas********* but ended up finding more articles on its benefits. Mas******** became my second nature and I consumed so much po** that I left no po**st** unf*****. My life got so miserable due to this bad habit that I lost my charm in attracting real girls. I performed poor or average in everything I did even after putting in lots of efforts. After 23 years of extensive mas********* I finally stumbled upon nofap app. I wish I had it 23 years earlier. I have tortured myself all these years fapping the sh** out of my di** and I am really sorry for it to myself and my lord. I needed help and support to get back to normal and now I have the nofap app as my companion. I would like to give a message to young generation to stay healthy and successful by staying away from po** and mas*********. It damages your life to the point of no return. I feel like crying for all the years i have wasted fapping but I cannot undo the damage I did to myself. I am now old with no girlfriend or wife, but now I have the nofap app to be my companion. I have failed the nofap challenge 7times since I started my max being 21 days. This is good progress nad I wish I can complete at least 90days of nofap then never look back on fapping ever again. I am sorry society and my lord. Media is now more full of po** sh** and my fight is tougher. I need strength to continue. My lord I ask for strength to stay away from all the damaging acts we do to ourselves not knowing the consequences in the future. I feel like crying for my life but the only hope of getting a life is now my companion nofap app.
Hi, as I’ve been reading, you look at nofap apps as your companion, what would you say if we unite and that way we can support each other and talk whenever we need to. Write me on telegram my profile is julio jurado
Relapsed after a 40 days journey. And i’ll be back on the track with more strength and tolerance………..
It was my sixth day with sixth attempt I was enjoying my nofap resolution suddenly I fell down but I am sure that now I am able from today I will complete at least 30 day challenge without any problem
I broke my determination behind a nude cuckold couple but I know I have to deal with this kind of situation in future
I don’t have guilt I have a confidence that I can reach on 6th day it means I am brave enough
Only I need to become more aware
Day 0 Brothers
This article is very helpful
Thank you!
I have been suffering from mas***** since my 7th grade i.e 13 years till date , my life was upside down. I became addict becoz of watching holly-bollywood movies- 30secs to 4 mins sex scenes. At that age I don’t know about details of porn but something triggered me and automatically some semi-liquid like fluid came out without rubbing pen** and later I touched myself and rubbed this is where the fate of my life begins and I didn’t expect that I will become slave to por* shi* . I blamed it on my hormones as natural but as years passed my mind in rage to watch new scenes which turned out me to buy CD of por** from shop (15 years old). I am usually an hard working student before this tapping habit ,now I become weak , poor concentration, etc., Becoz of this I scored less marks in my 10th std and as well as my 12th board exams too. In my college life also I failed so I started nofap and in my first attempt itself I succeeded for 365 days(2017-2018) and later I thought of doing for one more time & watched por* becoz of some shitty advice from guys who suggested mast**** is good for health once in a week / month becoz of this my old triggers all came to alive and I am again became slavery. I have relapsed today 07/01/2021, my first streak was lasted 365 days (2017-2018) and my second streak lasted 66 days(2020) & my third streak (2020-2021) lasted for 78 days. Now matter what I will keep on fight my bad habits. If we guys are in nofap means we can achieve anything in our life no matter what.
Reason/moti for my 365 days streak.
* I used my rage of unworthy as a motive to fuel my nofap journey.
* My friends were mocked me becoz of my failures.
*My parents compared myself with other boys in studies and everything.
* I didn’t get good college & my friends didn’t invite me to their celebration/festivals. Becoz I have failed in my school life.
Reason/motive for my second streak (66) days
* Same as that of first streak but after following 365 days of nofap everyone came back to my life becoz I am doing well, after I relapsed I failed or became lazy and the people left me.
* I didn’t score good cgpa so I didn’t get a job during this covid years.
* I didn’t get someone special in my entire life & my college life also finished..
Reason/motive for third streak (78) days
* I main reason is to improve myself becoz I now understand the benefits of nofap
* Becoz of nofap I am getting everything done in my life as soon as possible since I am preparing for UPSC exams this nofap is an ultimate secret weapon for me to concentrate & improve my preparations..
Reason/motive for my future streak (not plural) I am gonna be on nofap for atleast 5 years to get back my sperm strength.
* There should be no reason – my future generations should be proud of me or else what I will achieve in my life for doing 10,000 hours of mastering mastu**** in my life…….
My life incidents will be an boost to all my Nofap warriors who are struggling for a week streaks.
No matter what guys this social media society is always advertising se* content everywhere & assuming that this is normal to talk.
If u guys support mast*** / watching por** good means glad there are already N number of rapists, pervert, womanizer etc., roaming in our country we should not become one of them…….
This is my biggest fear & best motive for never back down on nofap journey.
Thank you & all the best of luck guys
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Thanks, Sheila Ruff
From today,7 feb , i donot masturbate any more i will control my self till 1 month , target date -8 march
I relapsed after 31 days of Nofap, and I was doing so good. I’ve also experienced the chasser effect, and relapsed 2 times more after the first one. Sometimes I feel worthless and like I’m never going to accomplish anything worthwhile. Anyone interested in being in contact to support each other? I guess that could work well. Write me on telegram, my profile is julio jurado
Just relapsed after 155 days. I’m grateful I came across this article.
To be honest, I don’t get involved or take part in the comment section but I am now doing it for my own satisfaction and to give a bit of awareness to my bros. that’s it, now coming to the point, it’s about how fapping fucked up my life. It’s going to be a long one so buckle up.( Since it was ‘lock down’ for more than 10 months cope with my grammatical mistakes)
You see, I am from a middle class family living in a village of a rural region of a popular Indian city. The place where I lived was somewhat a remote area. My house was located on edge of the village. Because of that there was this abandoned coconut farm(now it’s all deforested) located just behind our house separated by a concrete wall (fence like thing) it was not that tall. In that farm there was this abandoned single storey building which used to be the water pump house of our village. It’s location had somewhat 50 meters of distance difference to my house. Considering the opposite side of that building it was the only man made structure in 2 km radius (I’m describing all of these because its for you to get an idea of my situation or state or whatever…). Now comes the interesting part.
As I above mentioned about the concrete wall it wasn’t that tall, a grade schooler would’ve easily crossed it without much effort. As far as I can remember about the incident, at the time it happend, as it happens to be I was a 6 year old GRADE Schoolers(2nd grade). I used to go to a government school which used to leave students at 4pm. After leaving classes me and my friends used to rush to home and after getting changed we used to go to play near that building . Me and my friends used to climb over the wall with much ease. There was some open space near that building where there was a jamun tree(java plum) and a mango tree. We played a lot there. My life was going fine like any other typical boy until it was totally annihilated by a single moment. At that moment I didn’t realise it will change me forever(how the fuck would I, I was just 6 years old).
I think it was Saturday which is usually a half- day for us students. We played there for hours from morning 11:30am to evening. If it wasn’t for the hissing sound near that building we would’ve played more . Yeah, we heard a hissing sound and thought it might be a snake or something. Right after hearing it we fucking ran from there. Next day we came back to play there again and played till evening and heard the hissing again and this time we heard a male voice like ah.. ah… We got curious. As some of you may know bushes and forests are the hotspots for Most of the Indian sexual fantasies . Yeah, I am talking about the most primitive type of sexual Fantasy. That day we happened to witness one. Imagine yourself as a 6 year old and you witness a 20-25 year ugly guy stroking his monstrous di*k. I was disgusted, I kind of felt like I had done something wrong or
something(now I think it would’ve been better if it turned out to be a snake) . Then again, after getting over it I wanted to see what he was actually doing(6 year old’s curiosity. Nothing can be done). I went there again in the evening and waited for the hissing sound to start and watched him(the son of a b*tch who ruined my child hood) from a fair distance. I went on doing the same thing for about five days(I’m not gay. Was Just a curious child). Now I wanted to know why he did that? and what was he getting from doing that?Obviously you know what happened next.
Well I got more curious. I experimented on myself. This was the beginning of my dystopia. I tried doing the same thing as he did. I don’t remember it being painful or pleasurable it just became obligatory. I did it because I kind of wanted to. Maybe I didn’t realise it was pleasurable at that age. I did it every day, I mean literally every day. There wasn’t a day which passed without me Jerking off except the days on which I was sick or something. At this point I was still a 7 year old. I lost my virginity when I was in 4th grade(I banged a senior). I got addicted to it without even realising anything. On some days when I was too Horny or something I would mast**bate 5 to 6 times.once when I in 6th grade I remember ejaculating 9 times on a single sitting. Actually I was a nerd and a jock till 7th grade. I mean I alway used to get the first rank in all exams, I went to regionals in athletics and got many trophies and certificates. Girls drooling on me(not bragging, just telling the truth). Some of You may think “you lucky bastard”, even I thought the same but it was short lived. When I was in my 8th grade a drastic change occurred in my body, both physically and mentally. Out of nowhere I couldn’t understand maths problems anymore and I couldn’t beat my juniors in 100m sprint. I got shocked by this and tried harder(I’m still mast**bating at this point) the situation got more serious I was getting pain in my joints like an old geezer. My immunity system got fucked up. My reasoning abilities had gone null. My bone density had hit the rock bottom. ED(erectile dysfunction ). Premature ejaculating. Zero social skills. No sympathy. No empathy. Anxiety. Pressure. Stress. Lack of calcium. Lack of vitamin B-12 and much more. Like it was an all in one combo offer. I didn’t inform any of these problems to my parents, I don’t know why maybe I had just gone crazy. I went on with my life as a below average student.
Now I’m 17 years old it’s almost been 10 years since I started doing it. Till last month I was mastr**ating. I haven’t been sober more than three days in 10 years. My life is totally fucking devastated. But now I have some hope
Because I consulted a doctor. my parents have no knowledge about this. Thanks to this lock down I made my own money by working. My Doctor said that my recovery wont be perfect but it will help me in some extent.
That’s why I joined no fap community. I’ll start being sober from today. Wish me good luck bruh.
Most importantly I just wanna suggest everyone that:
Whatever you do, don’t overdo it.
Relapsed after successful completion of 115 days., And now I’m in a relapse loop, relapsed in just 7 days…,, But the experience and benifits that I have got through that 115 days of porn free life was awesome…, The focus and confidence was doubled, It boosted me to study and lead me to focus in my career building.., Now I want to back on track.., I like this Nofap life.., And I’ll comeback stronger..
आज मेरा 4 दिन का टॉक रिलैप्स हुआ क्योंकि मेरा रिलैप्स पोर्न देखना था और मैं अकेला था मैंने सोचा कि मैं केवल पोर्न देखूंगा लेकिन मास्टरबेट नहीं करेगा लेकिन
I broke my 49 days streak. It was so depressing but this article help me alot.
Thanks for your advices.
I relapsed after 42 days. During those 42 days I tracked down my emotions and urges by writing the journal. What I found out the main reason behind my urge is my emotions. During those 42 days I saw many sexual dreams out of no where but I was able to ignore them. Hot girls pic were seductive but i can dominate that urge aroused by them. But when I feel like being wanted or admired or loved and I have no one to give me thats when my urge dominates me. On 42nd day such emotional desire hit me very hard and it was because i felt betrayed someone and that hit me so hard. It was the emotion that needed to be silent and I did it to keep my emotions on peace. So I have been wondering how to silence the emotion from being projected into that urge ?
Right now inorder stop myself from feeling lonely or hungry for love and affection I am doing meditations and positive affirmations. At this moment I am only believing they will help. Also I am trying to preserve the relations I have with my frns and acquantances so that I can talk to them and get the sense that I am being admired by people around me.
This time I do believe I will make it till lifetime.
Thanks for sharing Kanav about the spicy food
I relapse today because of my mode .
I cannot control my mind when i think about Pmo effect .
Please suggest me some benifittial advise and also suggest me some fruits and vegetables .
Iam replasing day by day iam not focusing innmy studies and now I feel like iam in depression what to do when I do no fab till 2 to 3 days it will be ok then after replasing it makes me more anxiety and guilty what to do
İnterested in NoFap Challenge Course
Today I relapse. But i will come back much stronger.
Relapsed after 6 days of hard work I’m feeling so down and sad …I even do not want myself to look into the mirror I’m ashamed of myself! I promise God to not to do it again but end up doing it again after 6 days this hits like a depression please help me what can I do now?
i am very depressed bcz i am involve in these activities since 3 to 4 years and i am not be able to stop my self my longest streak is 18 days but i get demotivated and im addicted.i dont have self control can somebody plzz help me
After how much time (days/months) of nofap challenge one should have regular sex.
How much time to recover all losses, if one person faces difficulty in pinnus(dick) erection?